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Prayer Meeting

This virtual Sunday Service would appeal to those on a nondual path of Awakening like A Course in Miracles and others devoted to Christian Mysticism.

If you want to LIVE ACIM then prayer is the medium of Miracles and our focus is on the Presence we all share. Offered by a trust of mystics, ministers and musicians this devotional 40 minutes is Spirit led with parables of practical forgiveness and readings on accepting  the Atonement. Love offerings to support the ministry are welcome.

“A church is where an altar is, and the presence of the altar is what makes the church holy." A Course in Miracles (T-6.I.8.4)

Sunday Services will resume in 2023

Sunday Service

A trust of Inspired mystics Called together to serve Clarity through Forgiveness. Everything shared is for the sole purpose of Self Acceptance. Virtual Sunday Service July 4th 2021

With means and end together our devotion is set, expecting miracles along the Way we open to Accept "I am as God created me" and that "In this redeeming instant lies Heaven." ACIM (T-15.I.10.3)

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